1 Items in Yellow (Selling Price, Residual, and Money Factor) are considered to be the most important elements of any Auto Lease. By negotiating the Selling Price, and making certain that the Residual and Money Factor are correct, they can have a huge impact on lowering your Monthly Lease Payments.
2 In some cases the Acquisition Fee is paid up-front (at signing) and is not included in the Net CAP Cost. In these cases, put the Acquisition Fee in the "Additional Fees" section.
3 Overall Savings is based on how much money you will save over the course of the lease by putting money down (at signing) to reduce the CAP Cost. The savings comes from not paying taxes and finance charges on your down payment amount for the term of the lease.
Overall Savings example:
On a 36 month lease @ .0025 money factor with 8.25% state tax, a $1,000.00 Down Payment will save you an extra $32.78 in monthly payments, totaling $1,180.08 for 36 months. Your total savings on the lease will be $180.08 ($1,180.08 Total Monthly Savings - $1,000.00 Down Payment), which is a net savings of $5 per month ($180.08 / 36 months).
4 Taxes are applied to any amount reducing the Gross CAP Cost, as well as certain fees (i.e., Acquisition and Document fees).